Monday, January 18, 2010

Portrait classes

As I have probably mentioned earlier in a post, I am taking two portrait classes this month.  One from Pam Carriker and now one from Misty Mawn.  Their drawing and painting styles are very different, and that is why I wanted to take the classes.  I have learned great stuff from both so far and my goal is to come up with a style of my own.  I really need to practice more, but I love all the information I am learning from both artists.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Drawing

The new year has brought on more art endeavors.  I am taking a portrait class from Misty Mawn, that starts next Friday.  Thought I would try my hand at a self portrait while I wait for the class to start.  I did this drawing last night and showed it to my husband and asked him if he thought it looked like me.  He didn't think so, so I guess I am back to the drawing board soon, but thought I would share my effort anyway.

I am also taking an online class from DJ Pettit on digital art.  I must say that I feel that I am in WAY over my head in this one.  Think I will take a few hours of quiet time this weekend and try to figure it out.  My small brain just doesn't want to do digital art I guess...8-)