Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend and keeping somewhat cool.  It's a bit hot here in the DC area.
I haven't posted in the past week or so, but I have been busy in my journals as well as painting on canvas.   My DH purchased a floor sized easel for me a couple of days ago, and I am so happy!  I have several table model easels (which I rarely use), but I have really enjoyed using this one so far.  It's a great place to store works in progress for contemplating what to do next, as well as allowing me to work on larger painting and collages.  This little painting is 5x5, so it wasn't done on the easel, but displaying it there gave me a better view for composition.  I have another little one in progress and will share it soon.


Janet said...

Love this piece! The colors are beautiful.

I have a tabletop easel but I seldom use it. My little studio doesn't have room for a floor sized one!

Sherry Goodloe said...

Hi Pat! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my latest canvas. Love YOUR piece as WELL :)

The weather has been gorgeous here. I've been "arting" out on the deck the past few days.