Saturday, November 6, 2010

Okay Pat! Get with the program!!

It's as if I have forgotten that I have a blog.  I have been busy since school started in August, and this class has a lot of homework after each class each week.  Another month to go and Drawing 1 is over for me!  I have decided to take the winter session off so that I can paint.  I have enjoyed the class and am amazed at the talent of a lot of my young classmates.  Here is one of the drawings I have completed in class...  done with charcoal.

But I must say the most fun I have had over the past few weeks is painting in my studio.  I try to paint something or at least do something in the studio every day.  Here are a few things I've done....  There are quite a few other paintings to share later.


Martha Lever said...

i love your paintings, Pat and your charcoal is great! I have never used charcoal but I really like the look.

Janet said...

Your paintings are great. I love how much texture you use. And the charcoal drawing, too....did you have a live model?

Pat said...

We have had live models in the class, but this was done from a statue.

Carol said...

Thanks for sharing Pat. I just purchased my first set of Shiva Paintsticks. I'm trying to finish some other projects so I will have as much time as I can get to work with them. The piece is so rich looking.