I just realized that I have not posted since February. A lot has happened since then. I went to Art and Soul in Hampton Virginia this year. Went with one of my art buddies and we had a ball. I took classes from Albie Smith, Sally Jean Alexander, Diana Trout, Beryl Taylor and Traci Bautista. I learned a lot of new techniques and met some really fun and intersting people. Can't wait until next year!. Here are some phto
s of some of t
he things I made.

I made these mini quilts in the two Beryl Taylor classes I took. She is so wonderful and we were treated to some of her wonderful art pieces.

I still need to take pictures of the little glass house I made in Sally Jeans class, so stay tuned.
Hello there Pat! This is Patty, we were table mates in BTaylor's class :) Look at your wonderful creations! Big WOW on all of the seed beads you stitched on the second one = really Lovely! It was such a delight to spend the day with you! I see we like some of the same art challenges too (4x4 etc). Too bad we have to sleep a little each night ;)
OMGoodness, I just realized I could click on your pics and get a wonderful closeup = Double WOW!!! I still have not made another piece of fabric paper, much less a gorgeous second piece like you did. You inspire me Pat!
Followed your link from Mixed Media Monday, had to stop and say these quilts are beautiful and you are posting some fabulous creatiions
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